Frequently asked questions.

 WHY 600,000?

The number 600,000 has a special spiritual significance. 

It is an acknowledgement of the special prayer that is said when 600,000 jews gather together in one place in Israel “Blessed is the knower of secrets” 

And It is the number of root souls present for revelation (meaning the ten commandments) at Sinai.

The KNOWER OF SECRETS is a way for 600,000 jews, represented by their individual ALEF, can gather, at least energetically, in a single location in Israel and stay connected to the mysterious power that connects us all - no matter where we are living in the world. 


The Alef is the ancient Hebrew symbol for the numerical value of one. 

It is the first letter in the Hebrew spiritual alphabet,  the first letter of the first word of the TEN COMMANDMENTS ‘ Anochi”, the letter that begins the word for Oneness “ECHAD”, the letter that begins the word for light “OR”, endless infinite flow “EIN SOF”, love “AHAVA,” and faith “EMUNAH.”

The letter aleph is associated with both singularity and divinity itself. 

It can be said the entirety of the Torah is contained in the first commandment (Anochi H’…”

And the entirety of that consciousness is contained in the ALEF. 

In addition to the paradox it holds, the Alef is a beautiful letter. It is made of two yod’s and one vav connecting them - and if you look at it right, you can see the middle lines balancing and dividing the upper and lower worlds. 

This project invites you to define your ALEF and represent your (spiritual) self to be included in an interactive installation and prayer for unity. 




Participation is simple. 

Get a kit. Customize your Alef. Send a picture of your Alef. Come visit the piece. Elul 2024.

Display your Alef somewhere you will see often and stay connected to the energetic field. 

The piece consists of the letter Alef customized by participants from across Israel and around the world contributing an ALEF (physically or digitally) to be included in the piece. 

By continuing to meditate your alef you can energetically and psychically be present in Jerusalem no matter where in the world you are. 

Always feel welcome to reconnect to the collective for power or strength or awe, you can mediate on your alef. 

Will I be able to visit the Installation?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

What does the money go towards?

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.